Flamin Bushies

Mossies are Biting

The midgies, the mossies, the bugs have arrived
You wonder if you’ll ever survive
We’re hitting and smacking the little blighters
My goodness, they sure are bloomin fighters
The repellent is out and we give a shout
We’re jumpin’ and dancin’ all about
Cause if we stand still for any time
You can be sure the bugs will think it just fine
Horses galloping about hec, full pelt
You can be sure the bugs will leave many a welt
Cattle are in milling, swishing their tails
Heads down together cause all else fails
Get the 44 gallon with cow pats inside
Light up the fire, smoke far and wide
The cows look over decide to come round
Walk in the smoke and their tails go down
This mossie repellant is smoking real well
Now this one story you’ll live to tell
But then you look up, you feel a big drop
If you don’t move quick, a soaking you’ll cop
Cows turn tail and head off up high
Cause the rain’s falling hard from the sky
It doesn’t last long and you check the big drum
It’s smoking real good bugs are on the run
So you stand in the smoke all safe and sound
Your feet firmly planted on the wet ground
You don’t have a worry or care anymore
No more mossies, midgies or bugs galore
So thanks dear Lord for getting rid of them bugs
Don’t ever want to see another one of them mugs

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